Choosing How to Exercise– Cardio or Weightlifting?

Choosing How to Exercise– Cardio or Weightlifting?

Choosing How to Exercise– Cardio or Weightlifting?

How do you like to exercise? When it comes to physical therapy and exercising for good health, both cardio exercise and weightlifting have equal importance.

Cardiovascular exercise is without a doubt the most effective way to boost stamina and endurance. If the ultimate goal is to gain mass or recover physical strength, weightlifting would be the primary focus.

Even if your primary focus is on one type of exercise, it is critical to incorporate the other into your routine. Weightlifting workouts should be included in the program of anyone looking to improve their endurance.

The same is true for those who concentrate on weightlifting. You can only go so far without some endurance. Create a healthy balance and remember to change your routines frequently so your body does not get into a rut!

If you need some extra assistance planning your fitness routine, contact Apex Physical Therapy LLC today. Our team of exercise and movement experts can help you formulate a fitness plan that works for you!

Setting personal goals for your fitness

Setting goals is essential when embarking on any fitness journey. Having goals in place will assist you in making appropriate choices regarding which exercises and foods will best fit into your regimen and help you make your journey a success.

When it comes to setting fitness goals, keep things interesting. Try new workouts and push your limits on occasion to see how well you are doing.

You might be surprised at how far you’ve come once you’ve determined which activities and food programs are best for you. Take the first step by establishing a few goals. Once you’ve started down that road, the only way to go is forward. Contact us right away to find out more!

How to incorporate cardio in your routine

Cardio, as we all know, takes time. Indeed, one of the most common complaints we hear from patients who come to us for physical therapy exercises is that they don’t have enough time in their busy schedules to complete cardio workouts. Other times, regardless of whether there is a time constraint, many people report a lack of self-motivation simply because they can’t stand the thought of doing cardio.

Fortunately, a physical therapist can help you incorporate cardio into your training program in ways that you will enjoy – or at the very least tolerate. If you despise cardio, don’t worry: you’re not alone, and there are a few tricks to finishing exercise in unexpected ways.

Cardio benefits can be obtained in a variety of ways, including:

  • Starting small
  • Using an app to track your progress
  • Try picking up a new hobby

Weightlifting: the importance of proper form

Making sure you have proper form is one of the most important aspects of using weights in your workout routine. Placing the barbell across the front of your shoulders, just below your neck, is the first step in performing a proper front squat. Make sure your fingertips are just outside your shoulder width beneath the barbell.

Your elbows should be sharply pointed. Begin lowering yourself to the floor with your hips and knees, keeping your chest up and your core tight. Continue to lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the ground, then hold for a few seconds. Bring yourself back up to a standing position slowly, using your hips and knees.

Front and back squats can be performed with or without the addition of weights to the barbell. If you prefer, you can also perform squats with hand weights or kettlebells. If you decide to add weight, make sure you are comfortable carrying it on your shoulders before performing the squat.

If it feels too heavy on your shoulders beforehand, make sure to take some off to avoid injury. If you’re just starting out, doing a squat without weight is a good way to familiarize yourself with the movement and prepare your muscles for the activity without adding too much intensity at once.

The fundamentals of a back squat are the same as those of a front squat. The same motion is required for both: bending at the hips and knees until your thighs are parallel to the ground, then slowly returning to a standing position. The primary distinction between a front squat and a back squat is how the barbell is held.

In contrast to a front squat, which requires holding the barbell in front of your shoulders, a back squat requires holding the barbell OVER your shoulders, slightly behind your neck. One of the most important aspects of a back squat is to avoid having the weight rest on your neck, as this can cause neck strain or damage.

Instead, keep the barbell on your shoulders and your chest up to prevent your neck from hunching forward during the squat. Lifting too much weight and inadvertently relying on your neck instead of your shoulders could result in serious injury.

Are special shoes required for weightlifting?

In short, yes!

A study conducted by three researchers at the University of Northern Colorado looked at the differences that occurred when fit, college-aged males performed squat repetitions at 60% of their maximum ability. Participants in the study alternated between running shoes and an unnamed brand of weightlifting shoes at random.

The range of motion (ROM), trunk displacement, and ankle flexion were all measured by the researchers. Running shoes caused less trunk displacement than weightlifting shoes. This means that the athletes in the study leaned forward less during the exercise. They were successful in redirecting the energy upward. The researchers hypothesized that this was due to less strain on the lower back.

Peak ankle flexion was affected by the weightlifting shoes. This was to be expected given the raised heel position of weightlifting shoes. As a result, the study participants found it easier to maintain proper squat form during the exercise, with the thighs and hips closer to vertical and less forward lean. The knees moved more easily over the toes, reducing hip flexion and promoting better form and performance.

Participants in the study stated that they thought squats were easier to perform in weightlifting shoes than in running shoes. This could be due to less stress on the lower back or to other factors, such as the mental conditioning of being told you’re wearing shoes designed for weightlifting rather than running.

Start exercising correctly today! Contact Apex Physical Therapy LLC!

Are you still debating whether to do cardio or weights? You don’t need to make this decision on your own. Speak with one of our physical therapists right away! We’ll assist you in determining the best workout plan for your specific needs.
